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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Gopal Krishna's blog on Celibacy

Thank you, Gopal for bringing your blog into my awareness. I am linking it here as another reference for celibacy.

As far as "healthy-celibacy," I will continue writing as ideas come up. However, if there are suggested topics  sent to me, I will discuss them right away.
All the best.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

New blog with Spiritual Knowledge

I am starting a new blog with
Universal Spiritual Knowledge.
This blog will have very short posts which will go into the essence of a particular topic. I recommend to take a look at those topics, since they will complement the one here; healthy celibacy. Hope you like it!

Friday, January 27, 2012

The phantom of pornography

It is interesting to ponder about some things which humans think to be “normal.”
Pornography is qualified as “normal.” It is considered “normal” and lawful for “adult audiences.” It is supposed to "spicy up" a relationship, when in fact; it is a relationship with a ghost, a phantom living in our own minds.

Mental addiction entails to live in a world which is not real. Just like being addicted to a video game. Addictions of any kind will bring sorrow. It is guaranteed or your "money back."

Have you ever wondered what is the fascination of seeing a picture? A dog may recognize a picture as a piece of paper but a human being can see and interpret things according to the upbringing of their own “intelligent” mind.

Let me challenge the “normality” of something.

Sex lust is not “normal.” Sex lust is a learned behavior. Sex lust has nothing to do with “survival of our ancestors.” Plainly viewed is the mind, the thoughts which arise with the illusion of seeing a body as the true self. That illusion is ingrained; it has been assimilated by our “ancestors.” We have inherited that character trait.

A picture is a still of something which has gone away. There is no “reality” other than something which does not exist anymore. However, our minds have been trained to see that picture as something lasting through time, something which never changes. Something which represents what at one time, at one second; was reality but it is not the real thing anymore.

The word God is not God, but our minds have been trained to believe that word to be God… and then we have “the words of God,” when in fact, there is just interpretation.

That “exciting” picture is not the body represented, but the mind has been trained to gain “excitement” out of a piece of paper or screen colored with many pixels.

Sex-lust is pure mind. The mind is the first “organ” to be excited in sex-lust, then all the physical sensations take over. That realization becomes the popular: "control your mind."

Let me add, it is not about control. It is about realization. Pure awareness.
At that point, the ghost is gone.

Many feel that men are more visual while females are more in tune with the sense of hearing. However, what we can infer is that any sensation coming from the outside is primarily just a sensation which could be interpreted i n many original ways. That interpretation is not reality, what we believe about that sensation to be real, then becomes real to us.

Sex lust is just another interpretation of “love.” It could be considered “love” as long as someone interprets that way. Nevertheless, far from “reality.” There is variety of human beings as there is variety of their interpretations. Some may see celibacy as “good” others as “bad.” Interpretations. However, when there is pain, lack of fulfillment, neediness and dependency most would like the way out. Some may not and would like to enjoy their golden trap. At that point, our ”interpretation of reality” may change.

Love is primarily a feeling which is not related with any particular physical organ.

The feeling of love comes from the real being. That is why sex lust is “conquered” by developing our feelings alone, by being sensitive to our own inner beauty and by being able to find beauty in all manifestations of the outer world. The finding of that real “being” is the purpose of spirituality.

Finding that real being as an experience of the true self. It is what brings about those characteristics of a spiritual being: peace, bliss, generosity and compassion. Through that experience alone which is the reward of a true seeker of the self, we could understand all of that “brain washing” which our minds have been subdue for many years. All that “marketing,” all of those selling pitches about how sex-lust could be so great, so fulfilling and so blissful.

Then, “enhancers” are needed. Anything to enhance the “experience.” New methods, new formulas, new scientific research, new “nonsense,” all in the name of pleasure. Life becomes the pursuit of pleasure, which in duality means the pursue of sorrow as well.

To find the true self, to experience it and to develop the “organs” of the true self, meaning our own feelings; it is the first and most important step to resolve the issue of pornography and sex lust.

A dog knows that a picture is not the real thing, while most of us do not.

You wonder about our own human intelligence sometimes.