Sex drive deals with aggressiveness. A very aggressive mind will use sex as a preferred channel for aggression. There is a research here: by Univ. of Minnesota researcher V. Gliskevicius. Although it appears as human nature is aggressive “from the beginning of time” and that sex is all about passing genes and “getting the girl” as the researcher points out, the assumption is that human beings are aggressive. On the contrary, when meditation is practiced as a tool to learn about the mind, we will find out that our mind which controls human beings, strive for peace. This is one of the downsides of research. The so called “normal guy” or “Joe average” is considered as a sample for a research. Obviously, the tendency then is to generalize to “all human beings are aggressive by nature.”
A person who studies his/her own mind will discover that sex means a mental reaction to something which is viewed as desirable. “I want to get him/her. I want to posses him/her” is the phrase that summarizes this.
Without looking at how my own mind works, I have no chance to survive in an oversexed society such as ours. I will be influenced by osmosis. Aggression is part of that society as well.
A peaceful mind, on the other hand will be able to recognize how a mind could be reactive and stop or transform that reaction into something positive or good.
So I was told that “8 hours of sleep” are necessary to function. Do you consider yourself “Joe average”? Aren’t you able to explore yourself and see your own limits? The unconscious mind tendency to fantasize will show its troubles when we oversleep. Everything we have learned about us, is what others have told us. Even if I have a feeling about something which I would like to call “my own feeling” that is interpreted in light of someone else’s experience which could explain my own experience. Once I place a label to my own experience, I feel that I “know it.”
The same phenomenon occurs with the understanding of sex drive. It is easier to accept and indulge in something referred as “normal” than to be by yourself researching and experimenting with it.
Watch your own mind. See its thoughts. Observe where your energy of thoughts goes. Learn to identify aggressiveness, lust and anger within yourself. See what is the trigger and understand why that is a trigger. Yes, this requires time and willingness. This is not a matter of a pill to do it for you.
Perhaps you will find that when your mind feels unfulfilled, sex comes up. When you feel bored, sexual thoughts show up. When there is a need for a change, again something related with sex will be there for that added “newness.” This becomes a disease because I have no control over it. Until I learn and experience peace of mind. Then I see that a fulfilled mind is not searching for bodily experiences. When there is the experience of nurturing emotions such as love and care, the so called “normal” sex drive will greatly diminish.
Unfortunately, most are looking to be just average. It is easier to spend your life on purchasing things that you think you want than in learning about your own mind. Your mind is your own enemy until you get to know it.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Your weaknesses are the way to your strengths
We can identify strengths in our own personalities. Another name for strengths are values and virtues. Those strengths are not really our strengths unless we develop them. If I am able to bench press 200 pounds for one or two reps without exercising, I cannot call that to be strong. I have not explored the extent of my physical strength yet. Once I develop it, then I can see the extent of my own strength. Therefore, strength comes after I am aware of my own weakness. The awareness of my own weakness allows me to train myself to explore my own strength.
Similarly the weakness of lust, when it is observed, recognized and explored, will give us a chance to gain a strength, that is celibacy, purity or the mastery of our own senses.
Many religions and well known gurus and spiritual teachers recognize lust as a vice. Recognition is a good first step, however; the stages of observation and exploration are not considered. Resistance is the method offered to deal with a weakness. Many times the term “do not fall into temptation” is used and it describes our lack of understanding as to why lust is a weakness that needs to be overcome.
I can only explore lust in myself. I can observe it in others, but I can only recognize it in others when I had experienced it in myself. A child will not be able to recognize lust in the eyes of a person, because he/she has not awareness of it. A child has not experienced lust yet.
The experience of lust could be described as “wanting to posses something.” Spiritual teachers may call that “desire.” That desire is not in tune with a peaceful being, since that desire disturbs our own peace of mind. “I want him.” “I want her.” Summons the emotions. The so called “animal instinct” is nothing else but a person who has not experienced mental peace. As we are conscious of our own peaceful mind, then anything that deviates from that and brings a desire is giving us the chance to further understand our own depth of experience of that peace.
Sex lust is not conquered by separating males and females. It is not conquered by shaving our heads so we do not look “attractive” or that both sexes look the same. Sex lust is not conquered by resistance and suppression of emotions. Sex lust is primarily conquered when our feelings are in tune with a peaceful mind. The understanding of the type of relationship that I should have with others will make up my attitude towards a person. For instance, If I instill the relationship of brotherhood among all living beings and if I am consistent with this vision, no matter who I have in front of me, my peaceful mind will maintain the attitude of brotherhood and my thoughts will be aligned to that attitude.
The depth of our recognition and experience of sex lust within ourselves, allows us to recognize the “trigger points” and to switch our thoughts and feelings towards that restful, peaceful mind.
A true peaceful mind is a spiritual mind, because there is the recognition of my true spiritual nature. That recognition needs to be observed and explored; it needs to be tested to see the extent of my own strength despite situations. Life offers those situations as long as I am willing to learn about myself.
Someone may say: “I am celibate. That is why I stay away from men (or women). It is dangerous to mingle with the opposite sex.”
Someone may decide to sleep with the opposite sex to “test” his celibacy…(As I understand, Gandhi did) since one thing is to talk about wine without tasting it and another is to taste it and not to be drunk by its taste…. Or someone may decide to do nothing, because the “desire” does not arise, just like a child. There is no desire to test or no perception of danger when mingling with others.
A child is a true celibate: No clothes at the beach, no shame of it; no desire to possess, no idea of what lust is. Everyone was a child at one point in their life, all we need to know is to remember that. Different paths for different people. Self honesty will show us the best path. I cannot pretend to run a marathon when I just started running a couple of weeks ago, however; the most important step in any training to run a marathon is…the first step, on the first day of the beginning of that training, which will lead us into the way as long as determination is with me.
Similarly the weakness of lust, when it is observed, recognized and explored, will give us a chance to gain a strength, that is celibacy, purity or the mastery of our own senses.
Many religions and well known gurus and spiritual teachers recognize lust as a vice. Recognition is a good first step, however; the stages of observation and exploration are not considered. Resistance is the method offered to deal with a weakness. Many times the term “do not fall into temptation” is used and it describes our lack of understanding as to why lust is a weakness that needs to be overcome.
I can only explore lust in myself. I can observe it in others, but I can only recognize it in others when I had experienced it in myself. A child will not be able to recognize lust in the eyes of a person, because he/she has not awareness of it. A child has not experienced lust yet.
The experience of lust could be described as “wanting to posses something.” Spiritual teachers may call that “desire.” That desire is not in tune with a peaceful being, since that desire disturbs our own peace of mind. “I want him.” “I want her.” Summons the emotions. The so called “animal instinct” is nothing else but a person who has not experienced mental peace. As we are conscious of our own peaceful mind, then anything that deviates from that and brings a desire is giving us the chance to further understand our own depth of experience of that peace.
Sex lust is not conquered by separating males and females. It is not conquered by shaving our heads so we do not look “attractive” or that both sexes look the same. Sex lust is not conquered by resistance and suppression of emotions. Sex lust is primarily conquered when our feelings are in tune with a peaceful mind. The understanding of the type of relationship that I should have with others will make up my attitude towards a person. For instance, If I instill the relationship of brotherhood among all living beings and if I am consistent with this vision, no matter who I have in front of me, my peaceful mind will maintain the attitude of brotherhood and my thoughts will be aligned to that attitude.
The depth of our recognition and experience of sex lust within ourselves, allows us to recognize the “trigger points” and to switch our thoughts and feelings towards that restful, peaceful mind.
A true peaceful mind is a spiritual mind, because there is the recognition of my true spiritual nature. That recognition needs to be observed and explored; it needs to be tested to see the extent of my own strength despite situations. Life offers those situations as long as I am willing to learn about myself.
Someone may say: “I am celibate. That is why I stay away from men (or women). It is dangerous to mingle with the opposite sex.”
Someone may decide to sleep with the opposite sex to “test” his celibacy…(As I understand, Gandhi did) since one thing is to talk about wine without tasting it and another is to taste it and not to be drunk by its taste…. Or someone may decide to do nothing, because the “desire” does not arise, just like a child. There is no desire to test or no perception of danger when mingling with others.
A child is a true celibate: No clothes at the beach, no shame of it; no desire to possess, no idea of what lust is. Everyone was a child at one point in their life, all we need to know is to remember that. Different paths for different people. Self honesty will show us the best path. I cannot pretend to run a marathon when I just started running a couple of weeks ago, however; the most important step in any training to run a marathon is…the first step, on the first day of the beginning of that training, which will lead us into the way as long as determination is with me.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Additional links on abstinence and sexuality
- By author David Pratt, about "Sex and Sexuality" in a very unique approach.
"Pleasure at a price," by same author
"Nutritional advice for sex control and rejuvenation" by Dr.Raymond Bernard
"Psychological value of continence" by Dr.Bernard.
Statistics data by what appears to be a Russian site and some interesting articles about Sexuality
These articles are worthwhile to read in my opinion.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Dealing with perceived sexual urges
When we observe the reactions within we can choose the type of reactions which will be expressed to the outside. Sexual energy is a very powerful energy which needs to be moved and transformed. Without this knowledge of movement and transformation, the desire will increase and the energy will build up in the “root” chakra. Without movement, energy kept inside will alter our state of mind. Ejaculations, masturbation, wet dreams, are forms of expression of this energy. At this point, energy has been wasted.
Whatever sensations we perceive through the physical body are closely related with our subtle energies (chakras.)We feel physical attraction for someone; my stomach area will “feel funny.” That is a chakra which was stimulated. As our thoughts increase the desire for pleasure, subtle energy will build up and go “downwards” through the lower end chakras and finally this energy will go out of the body. We may feel a “relief” the sensation that I am ‘back to normal,’ but just as a frog inside a pot of water does not realize that temperature has gone up (if we were to boil that water) until it is too late; likewise, the same action of wastage of our own energy will manifest in pains, ailments, mental and physical weaknesses which we like to conveniently call normal “old age” for lack of knowledge.
That energy needs to be transformed. Attraction among human beings will be there. It is part of understanding duality and the law of karma. The energy which this attraction entails could be a lustful, needy, longing, possessive energy which will end in ejaculation or it could be refined and transformed using our heart chakra. The power of feelings will transform this energy, making it more subtle and meaningful. This energy could be sent to another person, or even God.
As the awareness of this energy of attraction is building up, I need to relax myself by breathing, using my mind to direct that energy at the level of my heart chakra and using my pure good wishes towards the trigger of that energy (person who I felt attracted.) Using shallow breaths and concentrating on my heart and eyes, I send this energy. What I send, I receive. This is a law (karma.) The thoughts sending this energy could be something like: “I wish you the best” Or “I thank you for your beauty, it is lighting up my day,” etc. It is all about changing our thoughts, attitude and feelings towards other human beings.
This practice is the basis for true “platonic love” between people. (Non-sexual love based on feelings, physical hugs, snuggling, etc. where there is no intercourse or mouth kiss in its more purist form.) It is based on feelings and transforming our control of this sexual energy inside us. In the average person this build up of energy will automatically create more tension in the body which will desire to release this energy ending up in sexual intercourse. Obviously, this lack of control of the self is usually tinted with romantic tones, but in actuality once this energy is gone there is a physical release and at the same time an unconscious feeling of depletion, which creates this “love-hate” circle, exploited by Hollywood movies and which makes sex completely misunderstood thus, mysterious and therefore, appealing to the masses.
Build up in tension within ourselves ends up in aggression, possessiveness and lack of self confidence and trust.
Pure platonic love based on feelings does not last 5 minutes. As long as the energy is transformed into pure feelings from the heart, automatically your senses change as well. Your touch becomes sensitive, caresses become light and meaningful, the eyes will transmit loving feelings and most importantly you will feel energized by the power of tenderness and nurtured by true feelings of closeness.
Without the previous training/mastering to be able to move energy across your body and without the understanding of producing feelings from the heart chakra to overcome the “root” lower chakra, any practice of platonic love, will end up in losing the seed, in ejaculation. In other words, wastage, thus; it is helpful to practice this pure platonic love in public places such as parks surrounded by nature and with boundaries; to get acquainted with our own energies.
The path of celibacy will enable a person to master his own senses. To build sensitivity to subtle energies which will allow a person to connect with others in a more caring and loving way and at the same time it is the gateway to higher Godly experiences. The more advanced someone is in the spiritual path, the lesser physical experiences will be needed. Once the little “training wheels” in the bike are removed, you will know how to ride a bike, but until then going down and “kissing the floor” is part of the experience. Have you ever wondered why kids can learn a lot faster than adults? A “kid like” mind is needed in the path of celibacy.
Whatever sensations we perceive through the physical body are closely related with our subtle energies (chakras.)We feel physical attraction for someone; my stomach area will “feel funny.” That is a chakra which was stimulated. As our thoughts increase the desire for pleasure, subtle energy will build up and go “downwards” through the lower end chakras and finally this energy will go out of the body. We may feel a “relief” the sensation that I am ‘back to normal,’ but just as a frog inside a pot of water does not realize that temperature has gone up (if we were to boil that water) until it is too late; likewise, the same action of wastage of our own energy will manifest in pains, ailments, mental and physical weaknesses which we like to conveniently call normal “old age” for lack of knowledge.
That energy needs to be transformed. Attraction among human beings will be there. It is part of understanding duality and the law of karma. The energy which this attraction entails could be a lustful, needy, longing, possessive energy which will end in ejaculation or it could be refined and transformed using our heart chakra. The power of feelings will transform this energy, making it more subtle and meaningful. This energy could be sent to another person, or even God.
As the awareness of this energy of attraction is building up, I need to relax myself by breathing, using my mind to direct that energy at the level of my heart chakra and using my pure good wishes towards the trigger of that energy (person who I felt attracted.) Using shallow breaths and concentrating on my heart and eyes, I send this energy. What I send, I receive. This is a law (karma.) The thoughts sending this energy could be something like: “I wish you the best” Or “I thank you for your beauty, it is lighting up my day,” etc. It is all about changing our thoughts, attitude and feelings towards other human beings.
This practice is the basis for true “platonic love” between people. (Non-sexual love based on feelings, physical hugs, snuggling, etc. where there is no intercourse or mouth kiss in its more purist form.) It is based on feelings and transforming our control of this sexual energy inside us. In the average person this build up of energy will automatically create more tension in the body which will desire to release this energy ending up in sexual intercourse. Obviously, this lack of control of the self is usually tinted with romantic tones, but in actuality once this energy is gone there is a physical release and at the same time an unconscious feeling of depletion, which creates this “love-hate” circle, exploited by Hollywood movies and which makes sex completely misunderstood thus, mysterious and therefore, appealing to the masses.
Build up in tension within ourselves ends up in aggression, possessiveness and lack of self confidence and trust.
Pure platonic love based on feelings does not last 5 minutes. As long as the energy is transformed into pure feelings from the heart, automatically your senses change as well. Your touch becomes sensitive, caresses become light and meaningful, the eyes will transmit loving feelings and most importantly you will feel energized by the power of tenderness and nurtured by true feelings of closeness.
Without the previous training/mastering to be able to move energy across your body and without the understanding of producing feelings from the heart chakra to overcome the “root” lower chakra, any practice of platonic love, will end up in losing the seed, in ejaculation. In other words, wastage, thus; it is helpful to practice this pure platonic love in public places such as parks surrounded by nature and with boundaries; to get acquainted with our own energies.
The path of celibacy will enable a person to master his own senses. To build sensitivity to subtle energies which will allow a person to connect with others in a more caring and loving way and at the same time it is the gateway to higher Godly experiences. The more advanced someone is in the spiritual path, the lesser physical experiences will be needed. Once the little “training wheels” in the bike are removed, you will know how to ride a bike, but until then going down and “kissing the floor” is part of the experience. Have you ever wondered why kids can learn a lot faster than adults? A “kid like” mind is needed in the path of celibacy.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Selling sex to the masses
When a person is unaware of his/her spiritual self, true self; the physical world and experiences through the physical senses become their only “reality.”
Western societies are based on this premise. “If I cannot see it, I cannot believe it.” “If I cannot touch it, it does not exist.” Therefore, “it has been proven by science...that” becomes the mantra of the day.
Science deals with the physical world. Science has no authority over the meaning of life, the sense of beauty, or even to explain how immaterial thoughts can rule our material life. The understanding of human emotions is not scientific either. A pattern could be made up with a "sample" group, but a pattern does not fit reality, the unexpected, which is life in a nutshell.
Sex is no longer the way in which the human species reproduces. It has become more than that: For some, sex is equal to love. When 2 people love each other, they must have sex. The interesting side is that sex has the same capability to destroy a “loving” relationship. That which is considered love cannot be “hate” at the same time. This is called logic. Marketing sex does not work on logic. It works on hype.
Our society helps in this respect. Why shall I “own” a wife, when I can “lease “her? In this way, I can always “get out” and “upgrade.” Kids are a “by product” and my checking account can take care of my responsibilities.
Sex is about pleasure. My own pleasure. A “good life” is a life of pleasure. Things have to be “sexy” to sell. Something “sexy” is highly desirable. Young, new, cool, trendy, etc . are “sexy.” Responsibilities, tenderness, loyalty, care, etc. does not sell.
Celibacy is “bad” because it is not “natural,” is thought. Celibacy does not sell, because devices are not needed for it. It is easier to label it as “unnatural.” but yet; “natural” is to drink a can of carbonated, sugar loaded liquid (coke,) to eat greasy food at the nearby McDonald’s, to eat sugar loaded “doughnuts” and to smoke as many cigarettes as I am able to afford. It is “natural” because “most people do it.” The rule of the "mob" as Plato used to put it, is meaningless for a thinking/aware person.
Society has its own way to brainwash individuals. In the west, is called “business.“ You are worth something to me as long as I can sell you something. Sex sells. Celibacy does not. Remember that.
It takes guts and intelligence to get out of the “mental brainwash.” It is more comfortable to let “science” tell me what to do, to tell me what is “normal,” and to teach me to conform, by making me believe of my own individuality even though, to classify me and put me into a little box with a label is easier. Fashion does not work on “individuality.” At the end everyone dresses the same way.
Examples of marketing schemes? Let us not call those XXX movies “dirty movies,” rather “adult content.” Let me change the meaning of loyalty with the latest study which supports the idea that man is not monogamous. Yes, milk “does your body good” as long as I can sell it.
To be intelligent, a person needs to think by themselves and be open to different view points. There must be willingness to experience by yourself. That which science can prove is not called life, but a lab.
Reality is more than perceptions of the senses. To discover sex as it is without my own personal biases takes some intelligence. Hard to do when junk food is part of my diet. "Your diet affects your mind," science utters... “Tasting good” is a matter of getting used to it.
We cannot deal with sex as sex until our perception, our understanding and marketing brain washing is thrown out. Few have the guts to do it. It is much easier to conform...
Western societies are based on this premise. “If I cannot see it, I cannot believe it.” “If I cannot touch it, it does not exist.” Therefore, “it has been proven by science...that” becomes the mantra of the day.
Science deals with the physical world. Science has no authority over the meaning of life, the sense of beauty, or even to explain how immaterial thoughts can rule our material life. The understanding of human emotions is not scientific either. A pattern could be made up with a "sample" group, but a pattern does not fit reality, the unexpected, which is life in a nutshell.
Sex is no longer the way in which the human species reproduces. It has become more than that: For some, sex is equal to love. When 2 people love each other, they must have sex. The interesting side is that sex has the same capability to destroy a “loving” relationship. That which is considered love cannot be “hate” at the same time. This is called logic. Marketing sex does not work on logic. It works on hype.
Our society helps in this respect. Why shall I “own” a wife, when I can “lease “her? In this way, I can always “get out” and “upgrade.” Kids are a “by product” and my checking account can take care of my responsibilities.
Sex is about pleasure. My own pleasure. A “good life” is a life of pleasure. Things have to be “sexy” to sell. Something “sexy” is highly desirable. Young, new, cool, trendy, etc . are “sexy.” Responsibilities, tenderness, loyalty, care, etc. does not sell.
Celibacy is “bad” because it is not “natural,” is thought. Celibacy does not sell, because devices are not needed for it. It is easier to label it as “unnatural.” but yet; “natural” is to drink a can of carbonated, sugar loaded liquid (coke,) to eat greasy food at the nearby McDonald’s, to eat sugar loaded “doughnuts” and to smoke as many cigarettes as I am able to afford. It is “natural” because “most people do it.” The rule of the "mob" as Plato used to put it, is meaningless for a thinking/aware person.
Society has its own way to brainwash individuals. In the west, is called “business.“ You are worth something to me as long as I can sell you something. Sex sells. Celibacy does not. Remember that.
It takes guts and intelligence to get out of the “mental brainwash.” It is more comfortable to let “science” tell me what to do, to tell me what is “normal,” and to teach me to conform, by making me believe of my own individuality even though, to classify me and put me into a little box with a label is easier. Fashion does not work on “individuality.” At the end everyone dresses the same way.
Examples of marketing schemes? Let us not call those XXX movies “dirty movies,” rather “adult content.” Let me change the meaning of loyalty with the latest study which supports the idea that man is not monogamous. Yes, milk “does your body good” as long as I can sell it.
To be intelligent, a person needs to think by themselves and be open to different view points. There must be willingness to experience by yourself. That which science can prove is not called life, but a lab.
Reality is more than perceptions of the senses. To discover sex as it is without my own personal biases takes some intelligence. Hard to do when junk food is part of my diet. "Your diet affects your mind," science utters... “Tasting good” is a matter of getting used to it.
We cannot deal with sex as sex until our perception, our understanding and marketing brain washing is thrown out. Few have the guts to do it. It is much easier to conform...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The dance of pleasure and pain
Any human being will experience dualistic forces. If you experience pain is because you know what pleasure is.
Pleasure and Pain are complements of each other. One depends of the other. A limited vision of these 2 forces will give us the impression that both are opposites. With this mentality, we will pursue pleasure to the extreme. Sex becomes the highest pleasure in the physical realm. Unfortunately, pain is waiting at the corner to gives us the exact same level, same depth, same intensity but on the other side, the side of pain.
The Buddha, Gautama realized this fact. He devised the “middle way” as a mean to handle the dualities of pleasure and pain. Any desire will bring suffering, he concluded.
A yogi realizes that spirituality is the vehicle that will take a human being beyond the physical reality. This is why, it is important to experience our true self, spiritual self also known as the soul.
In this experience we are pulled out of the physical level. To be beyond experiences is one of the aims of a yogi life. However, these are physical experiences. In the spiritual realm, there is only expression of the self. That expression is manifested through feelings. I feel love, I feel peace, and I feel bliss.
These expressions beyond physical experiences are very powerful. A yogi realizes that sex is located in the realm of physical experiences. It is part of pleasure. To pursue sexual gratification eventually will lead us into suffering. This is very simple to understand.
Likewise, a life of denial of pleasure eventually explodes into indulging of pleasure. Whenever there is denial or avoidance, it is a sign of fear. That fear cannot be conquered unless we have the guts to face it.
Same with sex. There is no point on avoiding or denying, but rather acknowledging its presence. Through acknowledgement there is understanding.
This understanding will take us to the realization of pleasure and pain. The mind is seeking pleasure which cannot be fulfilled by the physical senses. In other words, sex cannot satiate any appetite for pleasurable experiences in the physical world, it is a palliative treatment only. It becomes an addiction, a “fix,” which calms the appetite but never satisfies the person. More is always needed. That pursue of sex as pleasure dulls the mind. The mind becomes trapped in the physical world and duality. The roller coaster of pain and pleasure is considered by most people as “normal.”
A yogi realizes the value of spirituality and the pursue of spiritual values as a way to set himself free from the tyranny of pain and pleasure. This is a different level of understanding which requires a clear mind.
Pleasure and Pain are complements of each other. One depends of the other. A limited vision of these 2 forces will give us the impression that both are opposites. With this mentality, we will pursue pleasure to the extreme. Sex becomes the highest pleasure in the physical realm. Unfortunately, pain is waiting at the corner to gives us the exact same level, same depth, same intensity but on the other side, the side of pain.
The Buddha, Gautama realized this fact. He devised the “middle way” as a mean to handle the dualities of pleasure and pain. Any desire will bring suffering, he concluded.
A yogi realizes that spirituality is the vehicle that will take a human being beyond the physical reality. This is why, it is important to experience our true self, spiritual self also known as the soul.
In this experience we are pulled out of the physical level. To be beyond experiences is one of the aims of a yogi life. However, these are physical experiences. In the spiritual realm, there is only expression of the self. That expression is manifested through feelings. I feel love, I feel peace, and I feel bliss.
These expressions beyond physical experiences are very powerful. A yogi realizes that sex is located in the realm of physical experiences. It is part of pleasure. To pursue sexual gratification eventually will lead us into suffering. This is very simple to understand.
Likewise, a life of denial of pleasure eventually explodes into indulging of pleasure. Whenever there is denial or avoidance, it is a sign of fear. That fear cannot be conquered unless we have the guts to face it.
Same with sex. There is no point on avoiding or denying, but rather acknowledging its presence. Through acknowledgement there is understanding.
This understanding will take us to the realization of pleasure and pain. The mind is seeking pleasure which cannot be fulfilled by the physical senses. In other words, sex cannot satiate any appetite for pleasurable experiences in the physical world, it is a palliative treatment only. It becomes an addiction, a “fix,” which calms the appetite but never satisfies the person. More is always needed. That pursue of sex as pleasure dulls the mind. The mind becomes trapped in the physical world and duality. The roller coaster of pain and pleasure is considered by most people as “normal.”
A yogi realizes the value of spirituality and the pursue of spiritual values as a way to set himself free from the tyranny of pain and pleasure. This is a different level of understanding which requires a clear mind.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Masturbation: Pleasure little treasure with a disguised overwhelming debt
Sometimes the debate between “pro and con” masturbation could be heard. There are two sides on every issue. Nowadays, it appears that a high number of people masturbate on a regular basis. Psychologists label that pattern as “normal” behavior.
With that kind of mentality it is impossible to reach any type of unbiased research on this topic.
Forget about morality. Think about the consequences.
The more “advanced” a society is considered, the more addicted to pleasure it will become. Sex is the ultimate physical pleasure. To experience that pleasurable sensation is the objective of our society. That is how reproduction takes place. That is the means to control individuals. If you have the chance to browse the internet, you will find that pornography is one of effective way to “sell” things to an eager lustful audience. TV shows you the same scenario. Sex is the “thing” to experience, and the minute you overindulge yourself looking for the ultimate “orgasm” that is the minute you can rely on the latest pill from our good ol’ market to keep providing what you are hooked into.
There is a law in nature which is known as the “ying/yang” the law of dualism. In this law, we could observe and experience that pleasure will lead you into pain.. and pain again into pleasure. The two sides of the same coin need to be experienced. The greater your pleasure, the greater your pain. The law is very simple and it could be experienced by anyone.
Every time, the “seed” is lost for whatever reason, there is a loss. Death brings life. Pain brings pleasure. There is greater pleasure once pain ceases to be. Without pain, you are completely unaware of a pleasurable life.
There is an incredible amount of energy in every bodily fluid. As for semen, it has the potential of creating life. Every time that life force is wasted, there is a loss, there is death. That is the way of nature.
Preserving that life force is very important in order to keep your body and mind in a youthful stage. Old age cannot be stopped but it could be slowed down. Wasting your inner energy in search of pleasure is a sure way to accelerate death. It does not matter if you reach to an older age without a problem. Is your mind functioning right? How about both, your mind and your body? Very few will accomplish that in their life time.
Masturbation will lead you to the path of self-destruction. The so called “release” is never a release, but a repetitious activity which numbs our feelings.
A person driven by physical appearances and physical pleasure is too addicted to understand and experience spiritual pleasure. A person whose understanding is merely physical is bound to suffering, because sooner or later our beloved body will cease to exist. Limited pleasures increase our own debt which will be collected with interests at one point of our life.
Without changing our mentality, without understanding the external factors such as traditions, media and ways of society considered “normal” which usually are represented by misfit individuals who had many emotional and psychological issues; without that understanding it is easier to remain trapped. Not only has it become easier to accept the term “normal” as time goes by, but actually it is very comfortable. .. That becomes a new source of pleasure waiting to become pain.
When your feelings are in touch with nature and are reaching out to people without distinctions, at that point, the world of feelings will extinguish the lust for physical experiences. You see people as people when you feel their being. Feelings are not part of the body. That is why, we are not the body.
With that kind of mentality it is impossible to reach any type of unbiased research on this topic.
Forget about morality. Think about the consequences.
The more “advanced” a society is considered, the more addicted to pleasure it will become. Sex is the ultimate physical pleasure. To experience that pleasurable sensation is the objective of our society. That is how reproduction takes place. That is the means to control individuals. If you have the chance to browse the internet, you will find that pornography is one of effective way to “sell” things to an eager lustful audience. TV shows you the same scenario. Sex is the “thing” to experience, and the minute you overindulge yourself looking for the ultimate “orgasm” that is the minute you can rely on the latest pill from our good ol’ market to keep providing what you are hooked into.
There is a law in nature which is known as the “ying/yang” the law of dualism. In this law, we could observe and experience that pleasure will lead you into pain.. and pain again into pleasure. The two sides of the same coin need to be experienced. The greater your pleasure, the greater your pain. The law is very simple and it could be experienced by anyone.
Every time, the “seed” is lost for whatever reason, there is a loss. Death brings life. Pain brings pleasure. There is greater pleasure once pain ceases to be. Without pain, you are completely unaware of a pleasurable life.
There is an incredible amount of energy in every bodily fluid. As for semen, it has the potential of creating life. Every time that life force is wasted, there is a loss, there is death. That is the way of nature.
Preserving that life force is very important in order to keep your body and mind in a youthful stage. Old age cannot be stopped but it could be slowed down. Wasting your inner energy in search of pleasure is a sure way to accelerate death. It does not matter if you reach to an older age without a problem. Is your mind functioning right? How about both, your mind and your body? Very few will accomplish that in their life time.
Masturbation will lead you to the path of self-destruction. The so called “release” is never a release, but a repetitious activity which numbs our feelings.
A person driven by physical appearances and physical pleasure is too addicted to understand and experience spiritual pleasure. A person whose understanding is merely physical is bound to suffering, because sooner or later our beloved body will cease to exist. Limited pleasures increase our own debt which will be collected with interests at one point of our life.
Without changing our mentality, without understanding the external factors such as traditions, media and ways of society considered “normal” which usually are represented by misfit individuals who had many emotional and psychological issues; without that understanding it is easier to remain trapped. Not only has it become easier to accept the term “normal” as time goes by, but actually it is very comfortable. .. That becomes a new source of pleasure waiting to become pain.
When your feelings are in touch with nature and are reaching out to people without distinctions, at that point, the world of feelings will extinguish the lust for physical experiences. You see people as people when you feel their being. Feelings are not part of the body. That is why, we are not the body.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Considerations for a life style of Celibacy.
Celibacy depends on your state of mind. If you fight your own lustful thoughts, they will become dreams, those dreams will become sort of a “reality” because you will not be celibate during a dream while still fighting your thoughts during conscious time.
Women and Men have “emissions.” The point is to keep these powerful liquids in yourself so your energy level remains high and your ability to tap into spirituality will be enhanced tremendously.
Unless there is some sort of fear to sex or some mental indisposition, the real meaning of practicing celibacy is to attain a higher spiritual connection with the “power house” with God.
Since celibacy starts with a clean mind, you need to take care of your diet. Your diet has an effect on your metabolism which will affect the feelings and thoughts going in your mind.
A vegetarian diet is necessary. However avoid garlic and onions and any strong spices since these foods have an aphrodisiac effect. In Egypt, at the time the pyramids were built, the slaves were fed with these aphrodisiacs as well as radishes. Since to build the pyramids was hard labor, many slaves lost their lives during the job, hence the need to keep the slave population increasing.
Unfortunately nowadays almost any food item that you buy at the store has garlic and/or onions in it. No wonder it is so difficult for people to follow this path. As you become more acquainted with people’s vibration fields, you will notice that food prepared from others will keep their thoughts vibrations as well, thus, to be safe it is recommended to prepare your own meals.
Of course, smoking, drinking and any kind of toxic substance should be definitely avoided.
You need to exercise outdoors and be in touch with nature as much as possible. Daily exercises combined with celibacy will keep you healthy and youthful looking. If you are in great shape the better off you are since it becomes a shield for your visual senses. Not everyone will fit your standards of physical beauty, thus physical attractions will be diminished specially at the beginning of your change. Later on, even though you will be able to appreciate physical beauty, you will not be excited about it. You will understand that there is more in beauty than someone’s body and face.
As far as exercises, I would like to recommend Hatha Yoga and Pranayama, then swimming or running. To keep your upper body fit, gymnastics, pull-ups, push ups, deeps, etc. Do these exercises outside, if possible. Personally I feel that hatha yoga is a good equalizer of male/female energies. (ying-yang) Males and Females need to learn to balance their polar energies by taking up some activity which is usually left for the opposite gender or which is needed to gain balance. If my strength is good but I am lacking flexibility, I will concentrate on flexibility exercises. Balancing the “ying-yang” energies is the best way to be fulfilled with yourself. In a subtle way, people look for a complement in the opposite gender due to this lack of balancing energies. Once you master this, you will be able to enjoy someone else’s company without the need to fulfill yourself.
Try sleeping from 4 to 6 hours every night. Wake up as early as possible. This practice will help you to deal with dreaming at night. You should go to sleep and fall sleep right away. You will have more time in your hands for other things. You will notice that sleeping 6 hours per night will become adequate for your life style.
Take up meditation. Here is where the changes in your personality will start. Meditate regularly. Those who have a strong believe in God will have a greater advantage here. Ultimately in my experience, a spiritual connection from soul to soul is the greatest healing agent against lustful feelings. Your feelings are connected deeply with your thoughts. If your thoughts are of pure good wishes for others, your feelings will be tinted with that color, then impure thoughts will not affect your mind and thus the sexual drive will diminish its force.
Read spiritual materials more often or “self-help” books which have teachings that you can use as a part of your personality, your mind needs to be busy with the right kind of things. Of course, “pollutants” which are used by the media (tv, newspapers, magazines, pictures, movies, etc.) need to be recognized as a source of pollution for the mind. The mind needs to be clean from the “infection” of these to be successful in practicing a celibate life style.
Women and Men have “emissions.” The point is to keep these powerful liquids in yourself so your energy level remains high and your ability to tap into spirituality will be enhanced tremendously.
Unless there is some sort of fear to sex or some mental indisposition, the real meaning of practicing celibacy is to attain a higher spiritual connection with the “power house” with God.
Since celibacy starts with a clean mind, you need to take care of your diet. Your diet has an effect on your metabolism which will affect the feelings and thoughts going in your mind.
A vegetarian diet is necessary. However avoid garlic and onions and any strong spices since these foods have an aphrodisiac effect. In Egypt, at the time the pyramids were built, the slaves were fed with these aphrodisiacs as well as radishes. Since to build the pyramids was hard labor, many slaves lost their lives during the job, hence the need to keep the slave population increasing.
Unfortunately nowadays almost any food item that you buy at the store has garlic and/or onions in it. No wonder it is so difficult for people to follow this path. As you become more acquainted with people’s vibration fields, you will notice that food prepared from others will keep their thoughts vibrations as well, thus, to be safe it is recommended to prepare your own meals.
Of course, smoking, drinking and any kind of toxic substance should be definitely avoided.
You need to exercise outdoors and be in touch with nature as much as possible. Daily exercises combined with celibacy will keep you healthy and youthful looking. If you are in great shape the better off you are since it becomes a shield for your visual senses. Not everyone will fit your standards of physical beauty, thus physical attractions will be diminished specially at the beginning of your change. Later on, even though you will be able to appreciate physical beauty, you will not be excited about it. You will understand that there is more in beauty than someone’s body and face.
As far as exercises, I would like to recommend Hatha Yoga and Pranayama, then swimming or running. To keep your upper body fit, gymnastics, pull-ups, push ups, deeps, etc. Do these exercises outside, if possible. Personally I feel that hatha yoga is a good equalizer of male/female energies. (ying-yang) Males and Females need to learn to balance their polar energies by taking up some activity which is usually left for the opposite gender or which is needed to gain balance. If my strength is good but I am lacking flexibility, I will concentrate on flexibility exercises. Balancing the “ying-yang” energies is the best way to be fulfilled with yourself. In a subtle way, people look for a complement in the opposite gender due to this lack of balancing energies. Once you master this, you will be able to enjoy someone else’s company without the need to fulfill yourself.
Try sleeping from 4 to 6 hours every night. Wake up as early as possible. This practice will help you to deal with dreaming at night. You should go to sleep and fall sleep right away. You will have more time in your hands for other things. You will notice that sleeping 6 hours per night will become adequate for your life style.
Take up meditation. Here is where the changes in your personality will start. Meditate regularly. Those who have a strong believe in God will have a greater advantage here. Ultimately in my experience, a spiritual connection from soul to soul is the greatest healing agent against lustful feelings. Your feelings are connected deeply with your thoughts. If your thoughts are of pure good wishes for others, your feelings will be tinted with that color, then impure thoughts will not affect your mind and thus the sexual drive will diminish its force.
Read spiritual materials more often or “self-help” books which have teachings that you can use as a part of your personality, your mind needs to be busy with the right kind of things. Of course, “pollutants” which are used by the media (tv, newspapers, magazines, pictures, movies, etc.) need to be recognized as a source of pollution for the mind. The mind needs to be clean from the “infection” of these to be successful in practicing a celibate life style.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Meditating on Fitness
In the “new age” circles many “laws” have appeared: Attraction, Least Effort, Projection, etc. “Quantum physics “and laws is science way to make spirituality into something scientific.
The “law of polarity” will be discussed here. In layman terms, if there is hot, there must be cold. If there is good, there must be bad and so forth. Spiritual exercises (meditation, praying) and physical exercises are perceived as such opposites.
The problem of this opposition resides in the goal. For instance, in a competitive society “winning” is the aim. When you are in “good shape” you are ready to compete and win. The enjoyment of movement through physical exercises is left for “old people “and “losers.” You use exercise to win. That is the goal.
The same idea holds true with spirituality. When not in balance, it becomes a dogmatic belief in self denial and fear of the body to pursue “higher goals.”
In my last trip to India, I was able to experience how exercise fits nicely into the spiritual path. Take for instance, the popular “yoga” or “hatha yoga.” Those are physical practices to keep the body healthy and balanced. Originally it was meant for “yogis” or spiritual seekers to keep themselves healthy, so their bodies would not become a problem in their spiritual endeavors.
Hatha Yoga, pranayama (breathing techniques,) chanting and cleansing techniques such as “neti” are meant to strengthen the body in order to pursue “Rajayog” or spiritual illumination. There is a set of moral codes to follow along with the exercises known as” Yamas and Niyamas.” In the West, those rules have been conveniently changed by so called yogi practitioners. Celibacy or “brahmacharya” is a good example. It has been turned around to a more digestible “moderation.” Thus, Hatha yoga in the west has become the latest exercise fad, but its true spiritual objective has been forgotten.
Whereas in the West it is unheard of living without sex, in the East is quite common especially if the goal is a spiritual life. According to the Vedic traditions, the end result of ‘brahmacharya’ practiced to perfection is unbounded vitality. Energy is needed to be engaged in physical exercises at any age.
In my experience, if someone wants to pursue a higher spiritual path, celibacy is necessary to succeed. There are no shortcuts. The reason is simple. The mind needs to be free from any source of dependency. Your mind needs to be free from the desire of sex altogether. There are other less obvious "desires" as well, but sex is the first "obstacle" in a legitimate spiritual path. I mean by legitimate the study and understanding of the self as an imperishable spiritual entity which experiences a bodily, physical experience. Physical experiences are ephemeral, the true spiritual being is eternal.Thus, the mantle of mirages, illusions of the physical world needs to be understood and realized. This understanding will free a person from physical desires.
Running and swimming are popular sports which produce a ‘high.’ In that state of euphoria which varies between individuals, you are tapping into a different state of consciousness. According to science it is about releasing endorphins into the blood system; interestingly not everyone experiences a runner’s high. Meditation allows you to experience that” high” without the sweat. Some people meditate while running or swimming. It is a joyful experience with no side effects.
The body is not there consciously. It is sort of a state where your body is not disturbing you, you are at peace and balance with it, you are in the “zone “and thus; everything flows.
Meditation allows you to experience that high but it connects you to a higher source which will recharge you. Many times we associate meditation with forcing the mind to be still and to concentrate on an object or to repeat words. That is not meditating. You are just learning to concentrate. You meditate using your feelings and your thoughts to feed those feelings. When you feel bliss, there is no need to force the mind to stay focused; it naturally wants to be there while the experience lasts.
Fitness and Spirituality are two sides of the same coin. The minute we only focus at one side, we miss the other. When we understand the polarity of a coin, we find balance within.
The “law of polarity” will be discussed here. In layman terms, if there is hot, there must be cold. If there is good, there must be bad and so forth. Spiritual exercises (meditation, praying) and physical exercises are perceived as such opposites.
The problem of this opposition resides in the goal. For instance, in a competitive society “winning” is the aim. When you are in “good shape” you are ready to compete and win. The enjoyment of movement through physical exercises is left for “old people “and “losers.” You use exercise to win. That is the goal.
The same idea holds true with spirituality. When not in balance, it becomes a dogmatic belief in self denial and fear of the body to pursue “higher goals.”
In my last trip to India, I was able to experience how exercise fits nicely into the spiritual path. Take for instance, the popular “yoga” or “hatha yoga.” Those are physical practices to keep the body healthy and balanced. Originally it was meant for “yogis” or spiritual seekers to keep themselves healthy, so their bodies would not become a problem in their spiritual endeavors.
Hatha Yoga, pranayama (breathing techniques,) chanting and cleansing techniques such as “neti” are meant to strengthen the body in order to pursue “Rajayog” or spiritual illumination. There is a set of moral codes to follow along with the exercises known as” Yamas and Niyamas.” In the West, those rules have been conveniently changed by so called yogi practitioners. Celibacy or “brahmacharya” is a good example. It has been turned around to a more digestible “moderation.” Thus, Hatha yoga in the west has become the latest exercise fad, but its true spiritual objective has been forgotten.
Whereas in the West it is unheard of living without sex, in the East is quite common especially if the goal is a spiritual life. According to the Vedic traditions, the end result of ‘brahmacharya’ practiced to perfection is unbounded vitality. Energy is needed to be engaged in physical exercises at any age.
In my experience, if someone wants to pursue a higher spiritual path, celibacy is necessary to succeed. There are no shortcuts. The reason is simple. The mind needs to be free from any source of dependency. Your mind needs to be free from the desire of sex altogether. There are other less obvious "desires" as well, but sex is the first "obstacle" in a legitimate spiritual path. I mean by legitimate the study and understanding of the self as an imperishable spiritual entity which experiences a bodily, physical experience. Physical experiences are ephemeral, the true spiritual being is eternal.Thus, the mantle of mirages, illusions of the physical world needs to be understood and realized. This understanding will free a person from physical desires.
Running and swimming are popular sports which produce a ‘high.’ In that state of euphoria which varies between individuals, you are tapping into a different state of consciousness. According to science it is about releasing endorphins into the blood system; interestingly not everyone experiences a runner’s high. Meditation allows you to experience that” high” without the sweat. Some people meditate while running or swimming. It is a joyful experience with no side effects.
The body is not there consciously. It is sort of a state where your body is not disturbing you, you are at peace and balance with it, you are in the “zone “and thus; everything flows.
Meditation allows you to experience that high but it connects you to a higher source which will recharge you. Many times we associate meditation with forcing the mind to be still and to concentrate on an object or to repeat words. That is not meditating. You are just learning to concentrate. You meditate using your feelings and your thoughts to feed those feelings. When you feel bliss, there is no need to force the mind to stay focused; it naturally wants to be there while the experience lasts.
Fitness and Spirituality are two sides of the same coin. The minute we only focus at one side, we miss the other. When we understand the polarity of a coin, we find balance within.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Celibacy and its connection with fitness
Sometimes I encounter some websites which are marketed by so called “sex experts” which believe that sex is the ultimate panacea. It is the “Tylenol” for everything. These individuals usually do not offer a living proof of their statements neither a complete reference of the studies/research which they use to give scientific support to their claims. The truth is: Show me one research which demonstrates that having regular sex will improve your fitness, and I will show you cases where even athletes have abstained from sex while being in top condition. The book by Manta Chia “ Taoists secrets of love: cultivating male sexual energy” mentions the name of some of them. Mohamed Ali, Guillermo Vilas and others. You can read this for further info.Please note the sheer ignorance of sex experts when they deal with athletes. It is not about “calories” spent. There is a tremendous energy in semen which is wasted when ejeculated. That energy is able to create life. When that energy is used in spiritual or creative endeavors, the sky will be the limit.
I have been an athlete myself for 25 years, competing at the national and college level. I can tell you that there is a huge difference as far as focus, mental relaxation, concentration and stamina as well as recuperation after a race when you have been practicing abstinence for quite sometime. Your body becomes stronger and able to maintain top physical fitness for a longer time.
Take a look at the body of those who are in their mid 30s to 40’s. If they have been lured by sex, usually they will gain weight, develop the so called “love handles,” their chins and faces will become puffier and their eyes lose their brightness. Their face and body features will decline. Someone who has been celibate for quite some time will look younger than his age and his body will be able to maintain his physical prowess for a long time.
By keeping your sexual energy intact definitely, your health and fitness level will improve as long as you practice a regular exercise routine.
I have been an athlete myself for 25 years, competing at the national and college level. I can tell you that there is a huge difference as far as focus, mental relaxation, concentration and stamina as well as recuperation after a race when you have been practicing abstinence for quite sometime. Your body becomes stronger and able to maintain top physical fitness for a longer time.
Take a look at the body of those who are in their mid 30s to 40’s. If they have been lured by sex, usually they will gain weight, develop the so called “love handles,” their chins and faces will become puffier and their eyes lose their brightness. Their face and body features will decline. Someone who has been celibate for quite some time will look younger than his age and his body will be able to maintain his physical prowess for a long time.
By keeping your sexual energy intact definitely, your health and fitness level will improve as long as you practice a regular exercise routine.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Informative links
I recommend the following informative links about celibacy. It is very important to be informed. We already have the media making tremendous profits by exploiting human weaknesses such as lust and anger, in the name of "love,""passion," and "normal behavior."
It is a link to a teaching of Swami Sivananda. As far as I am concerned, the information is pretty good and accurate in my experience. However, I disagree in his teachings about “how to get established in celibacy.” The idea is to get to the state of celibacy in a natural way. You cannot achieve something naturally by rejecting the opposite gender. This is change by force. In my experience, it is possible to achieve this by changing our vision and our feelings towards the opposite sex. It is only through interaction how you get to know where you stand. Of course, there are other practices that should go along with our vision and feelings, namely a wholesome vegetarian diet avoiding garlic and onions due to their aphrodisiac properties and a sincere love to God which could be expressed trough prayer or regular meditation.
This site shares good information as well. However, their philosophy as to why is important to remain celibate is lacking. The benefits of a celibate life style are explained but the knowledge to support celibacy is not there. It is not a question of being a rebel. It is a question to realize that procreation at this time and age is foolish. The earth has reached a level of population where survival becomes difficult for many. Natural resources are lacking and they will lack even more as years go by. Man has an affinity for power and money. That greed will not allow society to improve their condition. The few who control the immense majority are the ones with full and deep pockets. We are too many on this Earth at this time.
The following link in that site is especially good:
Very good information. Quite explicit. However it would have been nice to read some information from the author of the site as well. Lots of links from other people, but his own experience in the topic, in my view; is needed.
This is an entertaining/ informative link which gives the names of famous people who practice celibacy.
It is a link to a teaching of Swami Sivananda. As far as I am concerned, the information is pretty good and accurate in my experience. However, I disagree in his teachings about “how to get established in celibacy.” The idea is to get to the state of celibacy in a natural way. You cannot achieve something naturally by rejecting the opposite gender. This is change by force. In my experience, it is possible to achieve this by changing our vision and our feelings towards the opposite sex. It is only through interaction how you get to know where you stand. Of course, there are other practices that should go along with our vision and feelings, namely a wholesome vegetarian diet avoiding garlic and onions due to their aphrodisiac properties and a sincere love to God which could be expressed trough prayer or regular meditation.
This site shares good information as well. However, their philosophy as to why is important to remain celibate is lacking. The benefits of a celibate life style are explained but the knowledge to support celibacy is not there. It is not a question of being a rebel. It is a question to realize that procreation at this time and age is foolish. The earth has reached a level of population where survival becomes difficult for many. Natural resources are lacking and they will lack even more as years go by. Man has an affinity for power and money. That greed will not allow society to improve their condition. The few who control the immense majority are the ones with full and deep pockets. We are too many on this Earth at this time.
The following link in that site is especially good:
Very good information. Quite explicit. However it would have been nice to read some information from the author of the site as well. Lots of links from other people, but his own experience in the topic, in my view; is needed.
This is an entertaining/ informative link which gives the names of famous people who practice celibacy.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Power of Celibacy: An experience beyond the senses
Celibacy is a state of mind which takes us back to the experience of being a child again. The practice of celibacy has countless benefits. Physically, the amount of strength, stamina and muscle quality will increase. That vitality is a characteristic of a child. Even when a child shouts all day, his throat does not grow hoarse or dry. Emotionally, celibacy will bring stability. The playful and innocent approach of a child will be noticed in your interactions. Intellectually, your mind will be sharper and acute. You will be able to understand subtleties. Your intellect will be deep and broad.
Spiritually, the power of celibacy is a must, in my experience. Many religions praise celibacy as a means to reach God or the Divine. Celibacy is necessary to experience a very distinct type of connection which brings about deep transformation of the self.
How do I start? Physically, it is very helpful if you could train yourself like an athlete to become acquainted with your own body. Practice one exercise which allows you to be in contact with nature. A vegetarian diet avoiding garlic, onions and any non- natural and processed product is most useful. A careless diet will be an obstacle for you to reach the goal. Less hours and a better quality of sleep is essential. There is a link between celibacy and sleep time specially when dealing with the subtle level of consciousness. Learn to balance the dual energies within yourself, called "ying-yang" popularly. Balance them. Learn to emit feelings of "Pure wishes and feelings for all" that emerge from the heart "chakra" or above. How is likely to feel? I will share my experience. It was easy to avoid the temptation, but then the real work started. It was my dreams that seemed to attack me with great force. I felt defeated. It is common, and most people will stop at this stage calling this pursue a futility, a "senseless fight against nature." Do not give up. You may lose a battle, but you will win the war. If you are determined victory is guaranteed. Paraphrasing Carl Jung, if you fight"the urge and temptation" more of it will be on the way. Success is about understanding. Experiment! Observe yourself and how you feel around "trigger points." This "urge" or "libido" is closely related with lust as many religions point out. I have found that anger is intimately related with lust as siblings are blood related. Conquer one of them, the other will wither away. Understand what triggers those vices in you and remain in a non-reactive frame of mind, observing the "show" within you. Meditation is helpful for this, since it allows you to be aware of your inner world.
Pursuing the path of Celibacy, after being part of the "other side" is a real challenge. It defeats any other feat that you can think of. The reward of it, however; is immense.
Through a connection with the source, with God; things become easier. In this connection you will never feel that you are giving something up, but celibacy will become a natural state. There is real pleasure experienced as your level of "purity" increases. It is called "supersensous joy." In this experience you are obtaining something much enjoyable. The experience of fulfillment, of bliss and happiness, which will manifest in feelings as energy through your heart or through your head and will last as long as you can hold it. Finally, something where too much of it, is simply very good for you!
May you be a conqueror of yourself and enjoy the fountain of youth by going back to your child like nature. Blessings from the heart!
Feel free to email me, if you have a question.
Spiritually, the power of celibacy is a must, in my experience. Many religions praise celibacy as a means to reach God or the Divine. Celibacy is necessary to experience a very distinct type of connection which brings about deep transformation of the self.
How do I start? Physically, it is very helpful if you could train yourself like an athlete to become acquainted with your own body. Practice one exercise which allows you to be in contact with nature. A vegetarian diet avoiding garlic, onions and any non- natural and processed product is most useful. A careless diet will be an obstacle for you to reach the goal. Less hours and a better quality of sleep is essential. There is a link between celibacy and sleep time specially when dealing with the subtle level of consciousness. Learn to balance the dual energies within yourself, called "ying-yang" popularly. Balance them. Learn to emit feelings of "Pure wishes and feelings for all" that emerge from the heart "chakra" or above. How is likely to feel? I will share my experience. It was easy to avoid the temptation, but then the real work started. It was my dreams that seemed to attack me with great force. I felt defeated. It is common, and most people will stop at this stage calling this pursue a futility, a "senseless fight against nature." Do not give up. You may lose a battle, but you will win the war. If you are determined victory is guaranteed. Paraphrasing Carl Jung, if you fight"the urge and temptation" more of it will be on the way. Success is about understanding. Experiment! Observe yourself and how you feel around "trigger points." This "urge" or "libido" is closely related with lust as many religions point out. I have found that anger is intimately related with lust as siblings are blood related. Conquer one of them, the other will wither away. Understand what triggers those vices in you and remain in a non-reactive frame of mind, observing the "show" within you. Meditation is helpful for this, since it allows you to be aware of your inner world.
Pursuing the path of Celibacy, after being part of the "other side" is a real challenge. It defeats any other feat that you can think of. The reward of it, however; is immense.
Through a connection with the source, with God; things become easier. In this connection you will never feel that you are giving something up, but celibacy will become a natural state. There is real pleasure experienced as your level of "purity" increases. It is called "supersensous joy." In this experience you are obtaining something much enjoyable. The experience of fulfillment, of bliss and happiness, which will manifest in feelings as energy through your heart or through your head and will last as long as you can hold it. Finally, something where too much of it, is simply very good for you!
May you be a conqueror of yourself and enjoy the fountain of youth by going back to your child like nature. Blessings from the heart!
Feel free to email me, if you have a question.
non sexual
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