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Friday, July 18, 2008

Informative links

I recommend the following informative links about celibacy. It is very important to be informed. We already have the media making tremendous profits by exploiting human weaknesses such as lust and anger, in the name of "love,""passion," and "normal behavior."
It is a link to a teaching of Swami Sivananda. As far as I am concerned, the information is pretty good and accurate in my experience. However, I disagree in his teachings about “how to get established in celibacy.” The idea is to get to the state of celibacy in a natural way. You cannot achieve something naturally by rejecting the opposite gender. This is change by force. In my experience, it is possible to achieve this by changing our vision and our feelings towards the opposite sex. It is only through interaction how you get to know where you stand. Of course, there are other practices that should go along with our vision and feelings, namely a wholesome vegetarian diet avoiding garlic and onions due to their aphrodisiac properties and a sincere love to God which could be expressed trough prayer or regular meditation.
This site shares good information as well. However, their philosophy as to why is important to remain celibate is lacking. The benefits of a celibate life style are explained but the knowledge to support celibacy is not there. It is not a question of being a rebel. It is a question to realize that procreation at this time and age is foolish. The earth has reached a level of population where survival becomes difficult for many. Natural resources are lacking and they will lack even more as years go by. Man has an affinity for power and money. That greed will not allow society to improve their condition. The few who control the immense majority are the ones with full and deep pockets. We are too many on this Earth at this time.
The following link in that site is especially good:
Very good information. Quite explicit. However it would have been nice to read some information from the author of the site as well. Lots of links from other people, but his own experience in the topic, in my view; is needed.
This is an entertaining/ informative link which gives the names of famous people who practice celibacy.


Anonymous said...

Just to say in Julian,s autobiography is indeed available...

Anonymous said...

If you know who you are talkin about you wouldn't dare to think any further about swami sivananda.
He is a maha yogi who entered into maha samadhi, like jesus christ.
Now if someone says that they cant agree to what jesus has said, then he will be the fool the world have ever seen.
When swami sivananda said so, he said hate lust not woman.

Anonymous said...

If you know who you are talkin about you wouldn't dare to think any further about swami sivananda.
He is a maha yogi who entered into maha samadhi, like jesus christ.
Now if someone says that they cant agree to what jesus has said, then he will be the fool the world have ever seen.
When swami sivananda said so, he said hate lust not woman.

Avyakt7 - Ahnanda said...

As I mentioned before: "In my experience." As a matter of fact, I do not think "hate" is beneficial at all...even to "lust."

Observe that which is in you, be aware and make changes to arrive where you want to be. Hate is related with anger and... anger and lust are just siblings.

Best wishes.