In the “new age” circles many “laws” have appeared: Attraction, Least Effort, Projection, etc. “Quantum physics “and laws is science way to make spirituality into something scientific.
The “law of polarity” will be discussed here. In layman terms, if there is hot, there must be cold. If there is good, there must be bad and so forth. Spiritual exercises (meditation, praying) and physical exercises are perceived as such opposites.
The problem of this opposition resides in the goal. For instance, in a competitive society “winning” is the aim. When you are in “good shape” you are ready to compete and win. The enjoyment of movement through physical exercises is left for “old people “and “losers.” You use exercise to win. That is the goal.
The same idea holds true with spirituality. When not in balance, it becomes a dogmatic belief in self denial and fear of the body to pursue “higher goals.”
In my last trip to India, I was able to experience how exercise fits nicely into the spiritual path. Take for instance, the popular “yoga” or “hatha yoga.” Those are physical practices to keep the body healthy and balanced. Originally it was meant for “yogis” or spiritual seekers to keep themselves healthy, so their bodies would not become a problem in their spiritual endeavors.
Hatha Yoga, pranayama (breathing techniques,) chanting and cleansing techniques such as “neti” are meant to strengthen the body in order to pursue “Rajayog” or spiritual illumination. There is a set of moral codes to follow along with the exercises known as” Yamas and Niyamas.” In the West, those rules have been conveniently changed by so called yogi practitioners. Celibacy or “brahmacharya” is a good example. It has been turned around to a more digestible “moderation.” Thus, Hatha yoga in the west has become the latest exercise fad, but its true spiritual objective has been forgotten.
Whereas in the West it is unheard of living without sex, in the East is quite common especially if the goal is a spiritual life. According to the Vedic traditions, the end result of ‘brahmacharya’ practiced to perfection is unbounded vitality. Energy is needed to be engaged in physical exercises at any age.
In my experience, if someone wants to pursue a higher spiritual path, celibacy is necessary to succeed. There are no shortcuts. The reason is simple. The mind needs to be free from any source of dependency. Your mind needs to be free from the desire of sex altogether. There are other less obvious "desires" as well, but sex is the first "obstacle" in a legitimate spiritual path. I mean by legitimate the study and understanding of the self as an imperishable spiritual entity which experiences a bodily, physical experience. Physical experiences are ephemeral, the true spiritual being is eternal.Thus, the mantle of mirages, illusions of the physical world needs to be understood and realized. This understanding will free a person from physical desires.
Running and swimming are popular sports which produce a ‘high.’ In that state of euphoria which varies between individuals, you are tapping into a different state of consciousness. According to science it is about releasing endorphins into the blood system; interestingly not everyone experiences a runner’s high. Meditation allows you to experience that” high” without the sweat. Some people meditate while running or swimming. It is a joyful experience with no side effects.
The body is not there consciously. It is sort of a state where your body is not disturbing you, you are at peace and balance with it, you are in the “zone “and thus; everything flows.
Meditation allows you to experience that high but it connects you to a higher source which will recharge you. Many times we associate meditation with forcing the mind to be still and to concentrate on an object or to repeat words. That is not meditating. You are just learning to concentrate. You meditate using your feelings and your thoughts to feed those feelings. When you feel bliss, there is no need to force the mind to stay focused; it naturally wants to be there while the experience lasts.
Fitness and Spirituality are two sides of the same coin. The minute we only focus at one side, we miss the other. When we understand the polarity of a coin, we find balance within.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
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Hi Luisbliss,
Excellent post. I never saw the physical body and the spiritual body as polar opposites, but I appreciate your showing how they can work together, or how attention to sex can detract from one's spiritual progress. I have some information from that helps to make sense of this.
Wattles, Haanel, and our contemporary teachers are in agreement that we are already in possession of this spiritual power. Will we use learn to use our power for the good of our communities and our families? Haanel quotes Frederick Elias Andrews who helps us with the Law of Polarity. "When a thought of anger, jealousy, fear or worry creeps in, just start your affirmation going. The way to fight darkness is with light -- the way to fight cold is with heat -- the way to overcome evil is with good. For myself, I could never find help in denials. Affirm the good and the bad will vanish."
And this is why I don't see spirit and physical as opposites. You proved this point when you spoke about running while meditating. If they were opposites this wouldn't be possible.
Yet, I thank you for your post. It was food for thought as my old teacher used to say.
- Nancy
Hello Nancy,
I enjoyed your comments. Let me elaborate a bit.
"Non matter" and "matter" are opposites. Thus as you call it:"spiritual body" and the physical body must be opposites as well. However, the term "spiritual" is a "catch all" term. Actually, we are souls having a physical experience. There is a "subtle body" as well, but I am not referring to it when I use the term "spiritual." Perhaps I should have made this clear and I thank you for bringing that up.
Let me go deeper into "polarity."
The truth is a paradox. The so called "opposites" are actually "complements." One side cannot exist without the other. This "ying-yang" is depicted as a circle, a cycle, because ones side will lead you unavoidably to the other side. The universe behaves in cycles. In a taoist way of looking at things,"fighting" is out of the question. There is no need to fight darkness, because light will come on its own. It is all about timing. Also, balance is the "middle way" in polarity. If there is heat, you can balance it by adding cold. If there is evil, you can balance it by adding good.
In a world of dualities balancing is the key. thus, there is no need to fight.
It is possible to meditate while running, because there is balance.
"The middle way" (balance) is one of Buddhists major teachings. When balance is lacking, there is polarity. We are "Human beings" The human is the physical, the "being" is the spiritual. We are combined when in balance, without this balance we think that we are a body while experiencing the physical world.
Thank you for stopping by, and thank you for the valuable links you have shared.
Warm regards,
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