Celibacy is a state of mind which takes us back to the experience of being a child again. The practice of celibacy has countless benefits. Physically, the amount of strength, stamina and muscle quality will increase. That vitality is a characteristic of a child. Even when a child shouts all day, his throat does not grow hoarse or dry. Emotionally, celibacy will bring stability. The playful and innocent approach of a child will be noticed in your interactions. Intellectually, your mind will be sharper and acute. You will be able to understand subtleties. Your intellect will be deep and broad.
Spiritually, the power of celibacy is a must, in my experience. Many religions praise celibacy as a means to reach God or the Divine. Celibacy is necessary to experience a very distinct type of connection which brings about deep transformation of the self.
How do I start? Physically, it is very helpful if you could train yourself like an athlete to become acquainted with your own body. Practice one exercise which allows you to be in contact with nature. A vegetarian diet avoiding garlic, onions and any non- natural and processed product is most useful. A careless diet will be an obstacle for you to reach the goal. Less hours and a better quality of sleep is essential. There is a link between celibacy and sleep time specially when dealing with the subtle level of consciousness. Learn to balance the dual energies within yourself, called "ying-yang" popularly. Balance them. Learn to emit feelings of "Pure wishes and feelings for all" that emerge from the heart "chakra" or above. How is likely to feel? I will share my experience. It was easy to avoid the temptation, but then the real work started. It was my dreams that seemed to attack me with great force. I felt defeated. It is common, and most people will stop at this stage calling this pursue a futility, a "senseless fight against nature." Do not give up. You may lose a battle, but you will win the war. If you are determined victory is guaranteed. Paraphrasing Carl Jung, if you fight"the urge and temptation" more of it will be on the way. Success is about understanding. Experiment! Observe yourself and how you feel around "trigger points." This "urge" or "libido" is closely related with lust as many religions point out. I have found that anger is intimately related with lust as siblings are blood related. Conquer one of them, the other will wither away. Understand what triggers those vices in you and remain in a non-reactive frame of mind, observing the "show" within you. Meditation is helpful for this, since it allows you to be aware of your inner world.
Pursuing the path of Celibacy, after being part of the "other side" is a real challenge. It defeats any other feat that you can think of. The reward of it, however; is immense.
Through a connection with the source, with God; things become easier. In this connection you will never feel that you are giving something up, but celibacy will become a natural state. There is real pleasure experienced as your level of "purity" increases. It is called "supersensous joy." In this experience you are obtaining something much enjoyable. The experience of fulfillment, of bliss and happiness, which will manifest in feelings as energy through your heart or through your head and will last as long as you can hold it. Finally, something where too much of it, is simply very good for you!
May you be a conqueror of yourself and enjoy the fountain of youth by going back to your child like nature. Blessings from the heart!
Feel free to email me, if you have a question.
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Luis, this site will be very useful to souls in both male and female costumes. I feel many people have only sexual relationships as their only creative expression. Sometimes, taking up an art form is a way to allow the same kind of poetry, flow, intoxication, and natural high that sex can bring. Perhaps the creative flow and expression of love, is actually a first stage of the need to make art, without the angst and attachment. Each person has so much power!!!
You have mentioned that there is a link between sleep time and celibacy.I have been consciously trying to reduce my sleep to about 5-6 hours instead of my usual 8 hrs but somehow i feel really tired while waking up and I am not able to be consistent.I also try to
run every day .
1)Can you explain why less sleep is essential for maintaining celibacy?
2)How do u recommend managing the sleep with 5-6 hrs and yet feeling strong throughout the day?
Hello Harsh,
Congratulations for your great motivation!
Consider the following: Go to bed to sleep as early as possible. As my father used to say, "an hour before midnight is equivalent as 2 hrs of sleep." Before going to sleep, consider meditating for 10-15 minutes to calm your thoughts and to tune yourself for sleeping. When you wake up, meditate for 20-25 minutes. Get yourself used to this routine. Take a shower afterwards, empty your stomach (bowel movement before taking a shower) and practice any form of respiratory exercise (pranayama) use the time to strech as well (asanas) this is a 20-30 minutes training as well.
Start easy. Training the body is the way to do it. You can try 3 or 4 times per week and introduce a 30 minutes nap time during the day.
Watch your diet as well. This is a time to experiment with yourself and see what fits your lifestyle better. It will take you 2 or 3 months to get completely used to a new change in your life style. It is like training for a marathon... It takes time to get used to it. Running is great, but be careful. Your body type need to be fit for running. Please, take it easy if you are just starting. Running will make you a bit tired in the beginning if you do it regularly.. again the body needs time to adapt. Everything takes time but the first step that you have taken is the most difficult step to take, so you are ahead....
A night without dreams is a good, restful night. In my experience, lustful dreams used to bother me when i started following the path of celibacy.Many times my alarm woke me up and saved me from a "wet dream." It is easy to watch yourself when awake but it is not so easy when you are sleeping. Celibacy can be mantained 24 hrs a day.I wake up at 3:45 AM every day, as you know; this is a frequent practise by religious people in India.
More on this soon in another article.
Best wishes,
There is whole lot of power which can be achieved through the process of celibacy. I myself is practicing celibacy for the past 6 years and i have seen in myself the positive impact in my life and relationships. I have lessen my anxiety and fear of unknown. There are protein named "lecithin" in the seminal fluid which has the same composition as of neurons of the brain cells. That definitely cause once mental ability to sharpen, i have seen in my self, things once spoken i can remember them like the names, phone numbers etc. I also know other guys who are practicing the volantary celibacy in a monastry down town mumbai under the guidance of Radhanath swami. If you feel u can visit the site http://celibatemonk.com/
I, too, have practiced Celibacy for over seven years and I do find that my energy is diverted to powerful causes of a higher calling. I sleep well and also have the energy of a child at times. It's amazing what sex does to a woman's mind as far as making choices (wrong choices) because women were made to bond and that can cause problems in sick relationships when trying to remove yourself. Your mind is so much clearer and into a much deeper spiritual realm when you are celibate. It's so much easier to attain a deeper level of meditation.
Hi Luis ! Can Celibacy stop hairloss?
Hello Mr. Ford;
Hair loss is a genetic disposition which becomes exacerbated through emotional issues or physical weakness by overexertion. Celibacy is not directly related with the cause of hair loss.
Well, anyhow, it is still a very energising and spiritual experience being Celibate. Thanks for sharing your knowledge on this Site which has benefitted me alot.
Is it necessary to stop eating eggs and non veg ?
Yes. it is necessary to help our minds to become stable. Food has a great impact in our minds. If our minds are not "tamed" then things that we eat will have an effect on it. As we become more aware, we could experiment and discover when our consciousness changes.
Eggs have nourishment in them but also substances that are not beneficial for a "beginner's mind" who is looking to change its life style into celibacy. You could experiment, but there is no need to re-discover the wheel, but as your progress you can see for yourself.
Vegetarian diet is a must. To eat any form of meat will not allow you to gain the sensibility for further progress.
Best wishes!
Yes you are right. Lust bring joy for a second and weakness of mind for whole day. But celibacy brings joy, strength for whole n forever. After all strength is life, weakness is death. Thanks for nice article.
Hi Luis, I am Teja.I am facing the lustful thoughts at night time. I trying to stop it but it is not easy. Please advice me how to overcome from this problem
Hi Teja;
Just let the thoughts come to you as much as they want... don't try to stop anything. Just one thing to remember. Look as what they are, just thoughts which are not real.
Best wishes!
Hi Luis,
Thanks for your suggestion.
But that lustful thoughts making me very emotional & attracting towards female body conscioussness. i have this kind of thoughts from 10 years. I am practicer of rajayoga meditation from 1 year but even though i am not overcoming from this problem
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