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Friday, March 20, 2009

The chakra system, spirituality and sexuality

“Chakras” (Wheel) are well known vortexes of energy utilized to balance a person’s emotional health and well being. The understanding of these, will give a person the ability to understand sexuality and sexual energy. There are seven main chakras, which align with the plexuses of the human body (from a western viewpoint) or are situated in the subtle body, expressing themselves through glands or organs in the body (from a spiritual viewpoint.)
The background behind the chakras is the story of “Kundalini Shakti” longing to merge with her beloved Shiva. There is a climbing of stages represented by this energy rising up above the top of the head (top notch.)
In spirituality the chakra systems represent the degrees of “ascension” of a human being into a more elevated being. It is the memorial of the story of how a person can reach God.
In the western world there is a well known theory of motivation, the “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs;” which explains that there is a pyramid which all human beings attempt to climb. It starts on the basic need of survival until he or she reaches “self-realization” which in western terms means to have a “fulfilling” life style which is financially sound as well as emotionally satisfactory. (i.e. Having a house, a career, wife/husband, children and grandchildren, etc.)
The same pyramid is stated in the chakra system.
The first chakra located at the base of the spine means that survival mode. A person who expresses himself through this chakra is merely looking to fulfill his own survival needs. Life becomes a fight for survival. The second chakra located at the sacral area represents some of the emotions which most human beings experience and “filter” life with: pleasure, power and the need to balance the male/female dualism struggle. 99% of human beings will express themselves through this chakra at this time. As a matter of fact, all steps of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are situated in these 2 chakras.
It is interesting to note that when a person feel sexually aroused, there is the feeling of some energy which “needs to be released,” without the sensibility to rise up that energy and to express it through higher chakras, eventually that precious energy will be lost. The peak of physical excitability cannot be maintained for too long. Romantic media and “brain washed” individuals believe that the sensation of “release” is pleasurable, when in fact; it is not the release in itself but the degrees of increasing tension in the second chakra area through sexual energy. “Releasing” is just the inability of the individual to “hold on” to that energy. That energy can rise up to higher chakras.
The third chakra is located at the solar plexus. That chakra represents will power, self-esteem. It means to be able to realize that there are other things more important in life than to have instant gratification. The ideas of “sacrifice” and “renunciation” are expressed through this chakra. It is a highly “moral” person who surmounts any obstacles through sheer will power. For instance, if the idea of having a spouse or a partner is in the way of their perceived ideal of spirituality; even though these individuals find desirable the idea of having a spouse, they will stoically renounce that in order to follow their “higher ideals.” The downside is that self inflicted emotional pain will have to be endured. This chakra may be known as the one in between the “lower” and “higher ones.” It is in fact through this chakra, how a person is able to maintain chastity even though the outside environment may be opposing to this person wishes. Sheer will power is a game of resisting. Most sages and “holy men” may be using this chakra to remain celibate.
The heart chakra is the next one. Human beings who have developed this chakra will embrace love and the ideal of trust between human beings. Their view and way of expressing themselves is represented by the heart. It is the step to attain “self-healing” after overcoming the emotional wounds of using will power alone. At the beginning of expressing through the heart chakra, will power is used along with love to understand the self and others. Virtues such as patience and sweetness develop. However, those traits are unable to express themselves in an adequate manner since bluntness and straightforwardness without considering someone else’s feelings was the previous way of behavior, which still remains emerged. A person, who just opened up their heart chakra, usually will love to a certain extent before abruptly cutting off connections with others due to perceived threats to their ideals. This chakra will allow a person to have feelings from the heart and rise up their energy to this chakra and express good wishes and pure feeling for a person.
The throat chakra is next. Once love is recognized as the way to interact with oneself, others and the universe (God included ;) a unique and sensible ways of expressing those feelings appear. Some may write, some may sing, some may compose something; some may change their language and way of speaking. “Speak softly, speak sweetly” comes at this point, once this chakra is used for expression. An artist who has developed this chakra will interact with every human being and creature in a loving manner. Thus, it becomes “spiritual artistry” rather than just plain expression of lower needs/wants. An Artist is someone who expresses beauty through different means. Sexually a person will be able to touch another of the opposite sex and express the feelings of his/her heart through touch. Touching is an art in itself and when developed in a spiritual way it can “touch” and heal other human beings.
The third eye chakra represents seeing things as they are rather than a perception given by the physical eyes. At this stage of development “imbibing” virtues takes place. There is a clear recognition of things. In spirituality, it means receiving/imbibing knowledge to go beyond the physical limits. Sexually, the recognition of the self as a spiritual being will be fully realized, at this point the “needs” for sexual gratification will be completely and naturally left behind.
The last chakra is known as the “crown” chakra. This is the equivalent of self realization in Maslow’s terms, when applied into the spiritual path. Here is when the beloved Shiva is finally attained. When going beyond the limits of the self there is the sense of being combined with the Supreme. Spiritual ecstasy or bliss is experienced.
Usually a person will receive some kind spiritual knowledge in their life while expressing oneself in the second chakra or third. From that point, the journey of “ascension” happens or the feeling of being a “sinner” or “less than” will appear since there is the recognition of the existence of higher ideals which a person may feel unable to reach. Here is when devotion starts and when the inner fight to move into a greater direction appears for the first time.
The chakra system represents the story of spiritual ascension. The practical understanding of it will allow a person to master his/her own sexual energy.


harsh vardhan said...

Good to have you back Luis!
Thanks for this article.

God's Child said...

Thank you so much, please continue posting, you write so well, and your words carry truth and power. God Bless.

jonø said...

your wisdom is timeless, and is indeed the rare gem hidden within the cavernous moral recesses of the internet. seek and you shall find.

spiritual psychic medium said...

The chakra system is a best tool to enhance your inner abilities and to develop your spirituality. I think that it can also provide a lot of help for making connection of your mind and body with each other.

Anonymous said...

Thanks brother.this is indeed the best blog I have read for so long.i have gone thru the seven day course and indeed trying to reach the pure stage and have somehow not been able to reach the stage.was reading the chakra system and it seems going to soul consciousness is like reaching the higher levels from the lowest levels.can u help me out in unserstanding how to take this sexual energy to higher levels.somehow I have not been able to celibate and guilt is taking over my psyche.pls help

Avyakt7 - Ahnanda said...

Dear soul.
Please read this article:

Also, you are welcome to post your questions in this website:

Your questions will be answered there.

Best wishes! :-)