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Sunday, June 7, 2009


In the path of celibacy there is a tremendous pressure from the outside world to fit in the mould of the masses. There is no support system unless belonging to a religious, philosophical, or a particular group. That group becomes the support system. Celibacy then is colored by the rules and regulations of that organization. If the person is cut off from the organization, there is no support system and therefore, that person becomes an outcast. Then celibacy is lost due to external pressures which are not related with human desires.

Loneliness is probably the most feared feeling. No one wants to be alone. A human being has a meaning only in relationship with others. The feeling of being alone means mental or physical separation.

Dependency in a system, dependency in a particular organization even though "holy"means plain dependency. A dependent human being is not able to experiment and experience.

Once a person is beyond the "internal fight" to remain celibate, then loneliness is the next step to be conquered in the ladder of spirituality.

Without having the experience of spirituality and God in our lives, loneliness will easily win the inner battle.
A family system is set up to avoid the feeling of seclusion and to assure that as the person ages, someone will take care of that person. Loneliness will make a person subservient of the thought "I do not want to be alone when I age."
Sexuality is used as the binding mechanism between a male and a female. Progeny means survival of the parents until death, or at least that is the thought.
There are no guarantees in life and to be realistic means to understand life from our own perspective which has a tendency to change over time.

Without the experience of that spiritual support in our lives, it will be extremely difficult to remain celibate due to feeling isolated. Loneliness is the test to be surpassed. Once you become acquainted with your own loneliness, you will be ready for the next challenge .


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your blog! I have been celibate for over 3 years. Celibacy is a result of the spiritual path I have chosen ( Kriya Yoga). I didn't plan to be celibate, but through meditation and God's grace I was changed from inside out so much that celibacy came as something natural as I feel pure and innocent child of God,and don't want to be looked at as a sex object. But lately I'm facing the feelings of not exactly loneliness, since I'm happy by myself, but sort of inadequacy because I'm so different from everyone around me. I'm fairly attractive, and people just don't understand why I'm alone. I love to travel, I love nature,and other things, and have to go everywhere alone, and people just always surprised - how come. I do enjoy my activities,but lately I have been feeling tired of this, wishing I had a companion to share my life experiences with,but that will break my celibacy, which I don't want to do. So going through this controversy within me, I went online looking for some encouragement from similar minded people and ran across your blog. So this was my long way of saying big Thank You. :) It's great to know that I'm not alone,and other people are out there like myself going through the same challenges. Reading your blog gave me the strength I needed to stick to my chosen path of celibacy and not to compromise my ideals. Thanks again and may God bless you on your path.

Jaideep B said...

super-lykd d artiicle :)

reading ur blog gives sense dt celecacy can b achieved even in todays time!

keep it up man! u r d lightning source for many.