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Friday, August 29, 2008

Masturbation: Pleasure little treasure with a disguised overwhelming debt

Sometimes the debate between “pro and con” masturbation could be heard. There are two sides on every issue. Nowadays, it appears that a high number of people masturbate on a regular basis. Psychologists label that pattern as “normal” behavior.
With that kind of mentality it is impossible to reach any type of unbiased research on this topic.

Forget about morality. Think about the consequences.
The more “advanced” a society is considered, the more addicted to pleasure it will become. Sex is the ultimate physical pleasure. To experience that pleasurable sensation is the objective of our society. That is how reproduction takes place. That is the means to control individuals. If you have the chance to browse the internet, you will find that pornography is one of effective way to “sell” things to an eager lustful audience. TV shows you the same scenario. Sex is the “thing” to experience, and the minute you overindulge yourself looking for the ultimate “orgasm” that is the minute you can rely on the latest pill from our good ol’ market to keep providing what you are hooked into.

There is a law in nature which is known as the “ying/yang” the law of dualism. In this law, we could observe and experience that pleasure will lead you into pain.. and pain again into pleasure. The two sides of the same coin need to be experienced. The greater your pleasure, the greater your pain. The law is very simple and it could be experienced by anyone.

Every time, the “seed” is lost for whatever reason, there is a loss. Death brings life. Pain brings pleasure. There is greater pleasure once pain ceases to be. Without pain, you are completely unaware of a pleasurable life.
There is an incredible amount of energy in every bodily fluid. As for semen, it has the potential of creating life. Every time that life force is wasted, there is a loss, there is death. That is the way of nature.
Preserving that life force is very important in order to keep your body and mind in a youthful stage. Old age cannot be stopped but it could be slowed down. Wasting your inner energy in search of pleasure is a sure way to accelerate death. It does not matter if you reach to an older age without a problem. Is your mind functioning right? How about both, your mind and your body? Very few will accomplish that in their life time.

Masturbation will lead you to the path of self-destruction. The so called “release” is never a release, but a repetitious activity which numbs our feelings.
A person driven by physical appearances and physical pleasure is too addicted to understand and experience spiritual pleasure. A person whose understanding is merely physical is bound to suffering, because sooner or later our beloved body will cease to exist. Limited pleasures increase our own debt which will be collected with interests at one point of our life.

Without changing our mentality, without understanding the external factors such as traditions, media and ways of society considered “normal” which usually are represented by misfit individuals who had many emotional and psychological issues; without that understanding it is easier to remain trapped. Not only has it become easier to accept the term “normal” as time goes by, but actually it is very comfortable. .. That becomes a new source of pleasure waiting to become pain.
When your feelings are in touch with nature and are reaching out to people without distinctions, at that point, the world of feelings will extinguish the lust for physical experiences. You see people as people when you feel their being. Feelings are not part of the body. That is why, we are not the body.


Anonymous said...

Your blog has been a great inspiration to me.In fact it is what made me start my journey in celibacy.Thank you very much.

Avyakt7 - Ahnanda said...

Thank you Anand.
Best wishes in your new found path.
You will find a lot about yourself.

petrus1291 said...

Your blog has been an inspiration to me as well, and a place to begin looking for a solution to an inner conflict that has been causing me to suffer for many years.
I have been carefully observing the physical experience of arousal. For me it always begins with the sensation of "heat" between the sternum and the pulse-points of the throat, which I perceive as perhaps a manifestation of compassion(???) The combined emotional warmth in the upper body and urgency in the lower body at times bring me to tears because the need for expression is so profound. Beyond this "storm" in the body, the enduring emotion is that of sadness and longing - masturbation, as you pointed out, only deepens the emptiness and weakens the body terribly.
Is there a meditation technique that you would recommend to "re-direct" sexual energy at the moment when desire rises, using these sensations instead to create feelings of well-being? What should be done when desire becomes overwhelming?

Many thanks to you for sharing your experience. It brings some hope that there is a way out of feeling helpless in one's emotions. Best regards and thank you.


Avyakt7 - Ahnanda said...

Thank you for your kind comments, Lucas.
It seems that you will benefit tremendously if you heal your emotions. I would like to recommend energy work on the chakras. Opening the heart chakra, which also means to open yourself for new experiences and realeasing the past, that means truly forgiving yourself and others. Meditation will help you to explore your inner self. I have experienced Raja Yoga meditation and found it to be a subtle life transforming tool. As a matter of fact, that meditation changed my life. Here is the link for more info:

Until you are not ready to transform desire or sexual urges into pure and good feelings from the heart towards others or yourself, you will not find any other avenue to express yourself, because sex or masturbation allows you to release that energy in a wasteful way as many people do it.
Will write something about it soon.
Best Wishes, Lucas. When there is a will, there is a way.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, This blog has inspired me to live a life of celibacy. God bless you, I hope that you continue to do this. You are a true saint, thank you.

ArchiveofObscurity said...

Dear Luis,

Respect to you for having the discipline to do this. Your site has been quite useful in giving me some ideas to think about.

But I feel you are sometimes arrogant - as if you are somehow more enlightened than the average person. Can we not say each choose for themselves? Maybe people find their true selves in submission to pleasure, whatever the consequences. It does seem quite elitist: I am enlightened, they are just brainwashed, unchoosing. I have 'true self', they do not.

Is this an enlightened attitude? Peace be with you.

Avyakt7 - Ahnanda said...

Hello "Archiveofobscurity," Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate your remarks. My apologies if I come across as arrogant, unfortunately; using comparisons seems like the easier way to get a point across from my perspective ( I may be wrong.)

You are right as far as letting everyone "choose" what they feel inclined to; however, let us be aware that there cannot be possible "choosing," while someone is "brainwashed," or "addicted" to something. Take those things away, and there can be "choosing."

Best wishes!

D said...

A very deep article this is,
but in my celibate life, as a male I understood that masturbation became a must to maintain regular function and constant generation; It's hard to believe but due to a childhood trauma I'm forced into celibacy, and I do not find sexual pleasure in my life even during the act; in my case not resorting to masturbation will result to unhealthy hormone unbalance and a permanent damage on the long term

- Medical studies
- Sexology

Avyakt7 - Ahnanda said...

Thank you for your kind words, Mark.

The human being is a unity. The body and the soul. However, that soul is the eternal part of us. To "search" for answers about us by considering the eternal part of us, is to be open to different kind of answers for many times all we could get in related with the body and its study,.. and the mind as an extension of it.

Transformation or alchemy of sexuality implies to be open to try , experiment and change accordingly.

In my experience, celibacy is not something that we could be "stuck into," but something to celebrate, something to cherish which is not the "usual, normal" researched answer. However, in that search for wholesomeness, for spiritual understanding of the self, the answers may not be scientific, but nevertheless valid for some.

All the best to you!